Association for Pathology Informatics - API

Promote the field of pathology informatics as an academic and a clinical subspecialty of pathology. API´s website offers information about the organization, membership, meetings calendar, informatics resources, standards, API Laboratory Digital Imaging Project (LDIP), databases and data storage, computer hardware and software - basic, databases and data storage, networking - basic , Files / Formats, Synoptic / Structured Reporting, Pathology Data Management, Pathology Informatics Overview, links, publications and others informations

Originador(es): Association for Pathology Informatics - API
Recurso adicionado em: 09/02/2007
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Tecnologia Biomédica, Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico, Laboratórios, Patologia Clínica, Informática Médica, Informática Médica, Técnicas laboratoriais em saúde, Técnicas e Procedimentos de Laboratório, Association for Pathology Informatics - API
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